Friday, May 30, 2008

Paperless News

Newspapers are going electronic. This requires reformatting and rethinking the medium in order to compete in the online environment. Increasing use of social networking/web 2.0 technologies, staff downsizing, and evaluating ways of generating online revenue streams in the face of fierce competition are among the strategies used by newspaper publishers as they struggle to survive.
Social networking/web 2.0 technologies used include podcasting, blog-like formats, and social-networking in the form of commenting. Suscribers become users and newspapers become interactive in this brave new world of journalism.
The internet provides users with incredibly easy access to up-to-the-minute national and world news because of the proliferation of news media content providers like Google, Yahoo, and CNN. Becoming a provider of more detailed local news appears to be one of the most promising niches for newspapers to fill.

Magazines are also going digital. Some magazines, like Salon and Slate, exist only on the internet. Ezines (online magazines) range from slick counterparts to print publications to solo blog journals.
Reading news and magazines online is environmentally-friendly and economically sound because it saves money and creates less waste. Still want to read print copies? Visit the Periodicals section of any branch of the Charleston County Public Library and enjoy free access to some of the most popular magazines and most respected newspapers in print. Using library materials instead of purchasing individual items is always a greener choice!

CCPL's electronic resources also offer access to periodicals from around the world including Grolier's World Newspapers, Newsbank, Sirs Knowledge Source, and General Onefile periodical databases.



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